
I’ve been absent from WordPress for quiet a while now. I still don’t know what went wrong with me, but just suddenly one day I just lost my mind, my will to live and a lot of other things happened too and everything that I loved started being a burden to me. And I just lost my interest in WordPress. Now I’m a trying to be back here, I’m here now and I still don’t know if I can be consistent again, hope I can. I used to love blogging and I love all you guys. Well this is not a personal blog and now I’ll stop talking about myself. Hope you’re all fine. And tell me in the comment section, what did I miss in the last one, two months and how are you all?.

86 thoughts on “Hey

  1. Adithya We have missed you and welcome you back into the wordpress.com world. I slowed down because of my health problems and then pick it up again. I know we both love this blogging life my good friend. See you later alligator !!!

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      1. You are very welcome Adithya. I am still not feeling good yet. One day I will post about my full recovery from what is wrong today and yesterday etc.

        Thanks for asking my good Friend Adithya.

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  2. Hey …. You are such a beautiful soul ……missed reading you . If you need an ear …. I am around 😘 it is said that the darkest time of night is just before the break if dawn ……. May you soon see your sunrise ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I’ve been away too, due to lot’s of work reason.
    So I guess we missed a lot of awesome blogs.

    And about your this blog, I personally feel it’s okay to not to be consistent in writing or putting blog everyday or every alternate day over here. It just create lots of pressure… Sometime subconsciously too.
    So I would suggest that, find the reason why did you started posting here in first place, the passion that drives you, love behind the things you do and write.

    You can also just visit to read others blogs too.

    Hope to keep reading you as always.❤😊

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy to see you again… I think you will continue your writing… You have the talent write. Let the god give you the power to write…🤝😍☺

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  5. Heartfelting words because I could feel every one of them❤️ I remember well how I had it when I lost myself… still working on it..
    I love your writing, you are so much talented and a beautiful soul❤️But the most importent are that you are well❤️
    I wish you all the best.

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  6. Hi Adithya. I wondered how you were. So sorry you felt so lost and went through all that. It’s a horrible feeling. Take it easy in coming back. It can be very oressurising in your head to keep on posting every day. I have been feeling that too lately. Yes, just read whichever posts take your interest for a while, if you don’t feel up to posting yourself. I have done that in some days lately. Just do what you feel you can do. But please keep writing when you can because you truly are a great writer 😊

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  7. Adithya, you are an excellent poet, yet WordPress and the virtual world are highly time consuming that they often make us forget the real world where we encounter people in person. That should never happen. It is good to take breaks; it is about keeping the right balance. You do not need to apologise, dear. I hope you are feeling better now and wish you LOVE PEACE and JUSTICE 💕

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  8. I am shiprakhanna of innovative thoughts and I had to undergo a major operation due to which I was not in touch with wp. I want to request you that keep writing and your writings are good

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  9. It’s nice to read your post there. I myself have become so inactive on wordpress from past few months from the day I got a job. But I really miss WordPress and let’s plan to be more active over here because the people are honestly good and appreciate each others work sincerely. Lots of love and smile big

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Adithya, so sorry to hear of the struggles! Sure hope you are doing ok now! Sometimes our worries try to overtake the good in our lives. Hope you can find things that make you happy and smile again! You are in my prayers! 🌻🌻🌻

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  11. Oh.. ok.. then why don’t you open another personal blog too, a space of your own, where you can pour out your own words.. ( just a suggestion.. you can think about it..)
    I can feel you.. stay happy and positive dear.. we all are with you.. ❤️

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